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Step Into the World of Romantic Science

Free Your Mind, Realize Your Potential

'Romantic' refers to the attempt to penetrate beyond the outer appearances of things to their inner essence, to find their true, objective relationships and meaning so that we can act in harmony with the world we live in according to the natural, cultural and spiritual laws that govern it. The foundation of Western culture is profoundly a romantic one, both in the Judeo-Christian and Hellenic heritages. It is from this foundation that the Western mind and consciousness has emerged, unfolded and evolved over the centuries, giving us Science. 


Western history, philosophy and science are best understood when approached through the organizing lens of the Romantic Idea. This Idea is that creation and life consists in and emerges out of the interplay between a dynamic polarity of powers - expansion-contraction, centrifugal-centripetal, masculine-feminine, levity-gravity, light-dark, love-fear, to mention only a few. Life, as color, is an antithetical unity, a dynamic tension, not a static state. This Romantic Idea provides the key to unlocking a powerful scientific approach to knowledge, and to restoring and maintaining our health at all levels - body, mind, soul and spirit. Romantic Science is the foundation in turn for a wholistic, comprehensive and consistently effective system of healthcare. With us, learning truly is for life.

What is the Romantic Idea?

The Romantic Idea emerged in Western culture in a conscious way â€‹with Romanticism (1750-1850). The philosophers and scientists involved in this movement in philosophy and science sought to use the insight that life emerges out of dynamic polarities to penetrate beyind the outer appearances of things to their inner essence. They sought thereby to overcome the growing doubt and uncertainty about reality created by the purely materialistic approach of the physical sciences. They also sought to understand the challenging issue of Life beyond seeing man as a complex machine or a series of complex chemical interactions.


While the inertial sciences (physics, chemistry) could be usefully applied to inert nature, a proper understanding of living nature required a new approach and the development of sciences of life and not just matter. From the Romantic understanding of the living principle in nature came a deeper understanding of the problem of illness and restoration of health. A major part of Romantic Science has since been the development of a more dynamic, energetic approach to medicine and healthcare. 


What is Romantic Science?

Romantic Science is based on an understanding of the world through the Idea of dynamic, living polarities, such as center-periphery, expansion-contraction, centrifugal-centripetal forces, masculine-feminine, light-dark, levity-gravity. This polarity is mentioned at the very start of Genesis and pervades the Ancient Greek culture. 


The Idea of a dynamic polarity of powers, forces and energies as the essence of creation and the key to its understanding is what is known as the Romantic Idea. This Idea (in the sense that Plato used it) was brought into distinct consciousness in Western culture with the emergence of Romantic philosophy and science at the end of 1700s and early 1800s.


The effort to understand life and health, as well as illness and death, from the perspective of the Living Principle, rather than from that of matter, was most intense up to about 1850, when it was overshadowed by the materialistic prediliction of the Western mind, and natural science came to be reduced to material science to the point that the term science has become synonymous with mattter and form. This science of outer forms (natura naturata) is taken to be 'objective' and Romantic science, which seeks to penetrate to the inner essence of things (natura naturans), was derided as being 'subjective', meaning value-laden and relative. 


Material science has come to dominate science generally, and life is taken to be a product or resultant of matter. However, this form of science, which also dominates Western medicine and healthcare generally, treat disease and health as chemical issues, and man as a machine to be cut or drugged. The whole being is lost, the deeper meaning and understanding of health and illness ignored as unimportant. And yet Western material medicine is unable to deal with life itself, and is powerless in the face of growing chronic disease-conditions, only able to suppress symptoms or remove offending matter (surgery).


The Romantic Idea - A Way to Health


​The Romantic Idea provides a scientific foundation for developing further the work of the Romantic philosophers and scientists, and those various individuals who have carried on work along these lines in the last 150 years. With this organizing idea, we can study Man in his dynamic wholeness and come to an understanding of health and illness that gives us a systematic, effective and rational system of treatment, even, or rather, above all, for chronic, complex disease-conditions - RomanticScience Healthcare. With us, learning is for life.


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Romantic science has an effective understanding and treatment protocol for all those on the spectrum, as well as many forms of childhood illnesses and behavioral disturbances. Learn more about a comprehensive, effective and safe treatment system through RomanticScience Healthcare. 

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