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Don't Shoot the Messenger!

Writer: Rudi VerspoorRudi Verspoor

NB: This is part of a series on Romantic Healthcare, setting out the foundational ideas of a system of healthcare based on vital nature and vital science. Each can be read independently, though it is recommended to read the introductory article, 'What If You Gave a Revolution and No One Came', first. Some articles refer to previous ones, so this can guide you to go and read these as well, either before or after the article you are on.

The universe, the world and you all run on energy. And the state of health is one in which you have optimal vital energy. This means you are proof against the elements, absolutely sovereign within and over your domain, with the power to draw in and choose resonant excitants from without (whilst fending off effortlessly those non-resonant stimuli (irritants) as well as to generate resonant incitants from within (to evolve in mind and consciousness).

However, we are not in a state of health (‘Aye, there’s the rub’). There is a ‘snake in the grass’, a ‘Trojan horse’ that allows for error, that sets us up for ‘the fall’.

This is the original ‘sin’, that is, the primordial separation from unity with the creative force (Creator). This separation, which is the spark for the journey of individuation and evolution of mind and consciousness, entails a free-floating anxiety. This anxiety is the basis for a capacity of mind that goes beyond a dream-like state (day-dreaming) into a waking state in which scientific (rational) knowledge can emerge, as separation creates awareness of ‘self’ and ‘other’, subject and object and engenders the capacity to choose. We go from automatons to thinking beings. But this separation from the Source of All also means a certain lack of knowledge (innate wisdom) such that we can make mistakes in our choices. Lack of true knowledge is a vacuum that cannot be allowed, and is filled with knowledge’s semblance - belief. True knowledge, truth, engenders certainty and love; belief engenders uncertainty and fear. Belief works to reinforce itself against uncertainty and anxiety via customs and traditions. These introduce a certain rigidity in the resonant expression of life energy (orgone). This rigidity or armoring results, as we have seen, in a less than optimal flow of life energy at the somatic level and secondary (‘second best’) behaviors (neuroses) that constitute an adaptation (‘making the best of a bad situation’) not an optimization, in the face of uncertainty.

This distortion and impingement on the optimal flow of life energy (orgone) constitutes a primordial biological encumbrance (biopathy) of the master vital function of the organism. The biopathic stress at the generative power level (palingenesis) then affects the various vital sub-functions, as well as the related mineralogical automatisms, involving the sustentive power (homeostasis).

All illness flows from the initial state of separation from the Source of Knowing. The manifestations of illness are the result of the continual struggle of the life force to restore optimal vital operation in the face of ‘occupation’ by stressors (non-resonant stimuli or lack thereof). Thus, what we generally call’ illness’, the manifestation of this struggle in the form of signs, symptoms, behaviors and occurrents, is a specific meaningful biological program (Hamer) that constitutes the basis for what Hufeland terms the need for ‘natural therapeutics’.

The organism has an inherent capacity for self defense and restoration of health, which derives from the very nature of vital operations themselves.

It is eminently preferable if an imbalance is addressed before it results in a faulty state, which is preventative treatment. A healthy organism has an aversion to that which is non-resonant, either quantitatively or qualitatively (some things are inherently non-resonant, but other things can become so if they are taken in excess amounts or the circumstances for their need are no longer applicable, e.g., degree of sunshine or certain plants or herbs in different seasons).

This capacity of the organism to react to that which is non-resonant, either qualitatively or quantitatively, is a biological law, the law of opposites. This is grounded in the very nature of metabolism, which operates at all levels in terms of antithetical unities, such as catabolism/anabolism, sympathetic/para-sympathetic, inflammation/sclerosis, etc.

The healthy organism will react to an imbalance in the generative or sustentive energy economy, whether it involves a direct blockage (suppression) or indirectly affects vital operations because of sub-optimal qualitative (non-resonant) and/or quantitative (excess or deficit) excitants (and/or incitants), and/or nutrient constituents.

However, should an organism not succeed fully in addressing the stress, a faulty state arises, and the organism becomes weakened, operating at a sub-optimal level of vital energy, which creates, depending on various factors (genetic, epigenetic, mental-emotional, etc.) a susceptibility to certain morbific agents that have the power inherently to impinge on the generative power thereby engendering a disease state.

In the case of disease, a derangement of the generative power, a different natural law must be invoked, the law of similar resonance. While nature will sometimes effect a cure of a disease on this basis (e.g., cowpox with smallpox), this is rare. Most natural diseases are transient in nature, and leave of their own accord within a specified period of time, such as the various infectious diseases, though they can leave a certain residual damage (sequelae) where the vital operation is sub-optimal.

Illness (disorder and disease) has a dual aspect: one, the imbalance itself (disorder or disease), and two, the manifestation of that imbalance in terms of suffering at various levels of our being (pathology). This suffering also has a dual aspect: one, the manifestations caused directly by imbalance (such as lack of Vitamin C - increased bleeding of the gums), and two, manifestations resulting from the effort of the vital force to correct the imbalance.

Thus, illness constitutes an antithetical unity, or what Dr. Hamer terms a specific meaningful biological program. This is because the imbalance (action) results in a bio-logical response on the part of the innate striving for optimal vital expression on the part of the organism’s vital energy (orgone) to establish balance. Hufeland calls this internal and innate capacity for healing autogenesis and the basis for what he terms ‘natural therapeutics’. However, ‘natural therapeutics’ is not sufficient where the nutrient depletion is too severe, the toxic load too heavy or where various blockages exist that cannot be removed and impede nutrient repletion and toxic depletion efforts. ‘Arteful’ or rational therapeutics must then be applied. However, rational, that is, scientific therapeutics must be such as to work with, not against natural law principles of vital operation.

Our suffering has a purpose in alerting us to imbalances that need to be corrected. If we did not suffer, we would assume that everything was fine, and not make changes in our life choices or seek help in obtaining needed missing nutrients, expelling unwanted toxic agents and removing stressful obstacles to remediation. What we term illness is not the problem, but simply the messenger. We need to be careful that we don’t shoot the messenger and consider the problem solved! Unfortunately, almost all of current standard practices amount to ‘shooting the messenger’, seeing the illness essentially as the problem (as classified into arbitrary and superficial ‘labels) and then treating for it, rather than addressing the causal complex underlying the illness.

The focus for therapeutics also needs to be on the various underlying causes of the illness, and more, on the radical causes, the ones that are the most important and that ‘drive’ the others. Dealing with the radical causes at any stage is applying a strategic approach. Various tactical measures may and can be applied in the process to deal with lesser aspects, but sight must not be lost of the overall strategy - ‘when you’re up to your ass in alligators, it is hard to remember you set out to drain the swamp’.



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