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Round Up the Usual Suspects!

Writer: Rudi VerspoorRudi Verspoor

NB: This is part of a series on Romantic Healthcare, setting out the foundational ideas of a system of healthcare based on vital nature and vital science. Each can be read independently, though it is recommended to read the introductory article, 'What If You Gave a Revolution and No One Came', first. Some articles refer to previous ones, so this can guide you to go and read these as well, either before or after the article you are on.

They say ‘life is like the movies’.

In the 1942 film, Casablanca, a crime has been committed and the local prefect of police, Captain Renault, orders his men to ‘round up the usual suspects’. He has no intention of really doing anything about the crime, but needs to make a show of being in command and doing something. It’s a classic line from a classic movie.

Illness is like a crime committed against your person, robbing you of your health and vitality. And, as in any community, there tend to be certain perpetrators that are known to be commonly involved in many if not all crimes that occur. Focusing on these ‘usual suspects’ is a good strategy to employ.

The allopathic medical system makes a pretense of dealing with the ‘usual suspects’, but they are generally let go after some perfunctory questioning. There is no real effort to get at the cause or causes of illness, and the criminals remain at large to continue to wreak havoc in your body. A low-level criminal may be arrested and jailed, but the ‘higher-ups’ are untouched. In Casablanca, this is because the chief of police is corrupt.

In the case of healthcare, the official medical system is equally corrupt. Corruption certainly exists at a practical level in terms of rigged drug trials and selective published research.

The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.
It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor.

However, the deepest corruption lies at the very foundation of the allopathic medical system - the false belief that biological life arises out of ‘the chance whirlings of unproductive particles’, that the body is but a complex physical and chemical piece of machinery, that illness is but a chemical problem requiring a chemical solution.

This deep, systemic corruption makes the current system part of the problem, rather than the solution (‘Death by Medicine’) -

What we need is a true ‘criminal justice system’ when it comes to healthcare.

A true healthcare ‘justice system’ would involve a thorough investigation, gathering of all available evidence, and the charging, trial and sentencing of all the guilty parties involved in robbing the victim of his or her health.

Years ago, we had a healthcare system similar to the old TV series Dragnet.

Dedicated detectives would visit the crime scene, interview witnesses, interrogate suspects and arrest the culprit. It was a fairly straightforward and simple process with most of the evidence coming from eye-witnesses (symptoms) and what was immediately visible (physical signs). There could often be a ‘line-up’ with the victim being asked to identify the ‘perp’ from a group of persons: “Mrs. White, could you tells us which one of these men caused your concussion?” “I’m almost positive its #3. I remember he was driving the car that hit me from behind and I’ve had a headache, neck pain and some dizziness ever since.”

‘Book ‘em, Dano’.

It wasn’t all ‘legwork’ and eye-witness accounts. In some cases, more precise methods, such as fingerprint identification, was used, matching prints found at the scene to known ‘perps’ or to a previously unknown suspect (identification of pathogenic microbes).

A guilty verdict was presumed after all this, though we got intimations of a problem - false accusations on the part of the ‘police’ due to shoddy detective work and sometimes corruption - in the popular TV series, Perry Mason.

Dragnet and Perry Mason dealt with relatively simple cases (physical causes, self-limiting infectious diseases) compared to today’s complex chronic conditions.

Dragnet has given way to CSI (with all its subsequent variations), and the emphasis has shifted away from the ‘gumshoe detective’ (old family doctors - Marcus Wellby, MD).

Now we have the crime scene analyst, operating as part of a whole crime scene investigative unit, involved in a range of activities, from eye-witness reports to extensive evidence gathering and detailed technical analysis: fingerprints; blood spatter analysis (Dexter); DNA matches from saliva and hair strands; trace element testing for unusual and toxic residue; facial recognition software; computer algorithms to isolate meaningful patterns; tire and boot tread imprint comparisons; time of death assessment based on temperature, larvae found on the corpse; location of crime based on flora and fauna traces on the corpse; etc. (NCIS - Abby Sciuto and ‘Major Mass-Spec’)

What we have today is illness as a complex conspiracy (Bourne series).

Healthcare must match this complexity with its ability to piece together the many elements (causes) of the conspiracy at hand. Denying any conspiracy exists and labeling those who seek to investigate the matter objectively as ‘conspiracy theorists’ (allopathic medicine) does not advance healthcare at all. There are ‘conspiracy theorists’ out there that point to various possible causes (deranged gut, toxins, nutrient deficiencies, dietary indiscretions, stress, etc.) depending on the particular focus of the practitioner (‘natural health field’), but in a vague, often mystical way, so that treatment ends up only addressing the symptoms.

Each successful investigation and prosecution must involve a comprehensive database of known offenders (causes), a thorough collection and examination of the evidence, and an identification of possible and likely suspects in the light of the evidence and against the known information in the database.

Arrest and prosecution then proceeds systematically of all the suspected co-conspirators, based on hierarchy (low-level agents are ‘rolled up’ followed by those increasingly higher up in the conspiratorial chain), proper jurisdiction (municipal, county, state, federal, international) and severity of the crime and nature of the law broken - civil law (law of opposites) or criminal law (law of similars). Some can plea-bargain, go to a correctional facility with detox and educational facilities, and then be released (those involved in disorders of the sustentive power requiring toxic depletion and nutrient repletion); others must face the death penalty for their crimes (those agents that penetrated the generative power and engendered a degenerative disease) for justice to be served.

The healthcare crime scene investigator must be working with an up-to-date database of known criminal agents (causes of disorder and disease), containing as much information as possible: ‘fingerprints’, previous ‘charges and convictions’, mug shots, known aliases, membership in any known ‘criminal networks’, as well as ‘known associates’.

This database would cover various categories such as:

  • Known toxins, particularly xeno-toxins

  • Known drugs and their ‘side-effects’ (iatrogenesis)

  • Known emotional and physical shocks that can create blockages

  • Known pathogenic agents

  • Known physiological (functional) imbalances

  • Known mineralogical system imbalances

  • Known inherited issues

Inherited issues are two-fold:

  • Genetic mutations (influence on metabolism)

  • Epi-genetic conditions (chronic miasms)

The investigator must then collect evidence from a given case:

  • Degree of exposure to toxins (toxic load)

  • Use of drugs

  • Physical (surgery, accidents) and emotional shocks

  • Test results for physiological and mineralogical imbalances

  • DNA test

From this evidence, set against knowledge from the database, the indictment (diagnosis) is drawn up, arrest warrants issued (prescription written) and cases prosecuted (remedial agents applied).

The justice system must also then have a database of remedial measures appropriate for each offence committed, so that justice is served effectively, and consistently so across all cases (‘sentencing guidelines’).

Not all co-conspirators are arrested at first, as the remediation needs to proceed systematically, on both a chronological (‘no crime before its time’) and bio-logical (‘it’s the bio-economy, stupid’) basis, depending on the circumstances of each case. Some indictments may remain sealed for some time pending the results at lower levels, and in some cases, prosecution of the major players may take years. Some criminal organizations are extensive and well-entrenched in the bio-economy, having corrupted healthy functions and operations, and require dedicated time and resources to overcome and root out (‘mafia’, ‘cabal’, ‘deep state’, ‘global shadow government’).

This is the basis of a timeline of various shocks and traumas we have experienced in a given lifetime. We are put before a ‘line-up’ of various shady characters and asked to identify those we recognize and have encountered before.

Some we don’t recognize or know about and further sleuthing is required to ferret out and make any connection between them and our case. But in the end we have a list of identifiable suspects that can be questioned and determined to be innocent or guilty.

Next, we would expect the ‘DA’ (prosecutors) to press charges and take the case to court and the guilty party to receive the punishment prescribed according to law.

In the case of Romantic Healthcare, the practitioner acts as detective, DA, judge and ‘executioner’ all in one. There are several penalties prescribed by law:

  • for disorders of the sustentive power, foreign and harmful toxins are to be banished, nutrient imbalances are to be corrected via a dynamic ‘victim compensation fund’ depending on objective testimony from independent laboratories and expert witnesses, all applied according to the law of opposites;

  • for diseases of the generative power, which act as blockages to optimal sustentive function and vital operation, the remedial measure is the ‘death penalty’, as these cannot be corrected or rehabilitated, but are an insidious degenerative malignity that must be eliminated using an invisible, yet deadly and effective agent according to the law of similar resonance.


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